After poking around a bit more, I've got a couple of updates to the addresses in that I'm fairly confident about.
ROM bank 9 (DFS):
$8000 - $aeff : DFS 2.45 code
$af00 - $b7ff : MOS 3.50 code
$b800 - $bfff : ADFS 2.03 disk code
There's actually a bit of space free at the end of DFS 2.45 - but it'll be obvious when you're looking. It's a run of $ff bytes.
ROM bank 14 (VIEW):
$8000 - $bbbf : VIEW
$bbc4 - $bd80 : EDIT 1.50r Tube relocation bitmap
$bd9f - $bfff : BASIC 4r32 Tube relocation bitmap
I haven't disassembled VIEW, and I don't intend to, so I guessed at its region from staring at the hex dump. MOS 3.20 View ran to $ba00; another 450-odd bytes doesn't sound outlandish given the extra stuff in MOS 3.50.
P.S. for investigating the Tube relocation bitmaps, I put together a Python script: ... relocation - still needs work (needs a mode to create new bitmaps for your own ROMs; the set command needs some budget-/range-type options so you can insert bitmaps with confidence; etc., etc.) but it's proven useful enough as it stands
ROM bank 9 (DFS):
$8000 - $aeff : DFS 2.45 code
$af00 - $b7ff : MOS 3.50 code
$b800 - $bfff : ADFS 2.03 disk code
There's actually a bit of space free at the end of DFS 2.45 - but it'll be obvious when you're looking. It's a run of $ff bytes.
ROM bank 14 (VIEW):
$8000 - $bbbf : VIEW
$bbc4 - $bd80 : EDIT 1.50r Tube relocation bitmap
$bd9f - $bfff : BASIC 4r32 Tube relocation bitmap
I haven't disassembled VIEW, and I don't intend to, so I guessed at its region from staring at the hex dump. MOS 3.20 View ran to $ba00; another 450-odd bytes doesn't sound outlandish given the extra stuff in MOS 3.50.
P.S. for investigating the Tube relocation bitmaps, I put together a Python script: ... relocation - still needs work (needs a mode to create new bitmaps for your own ROMs; the set command needs some budget-/range-type options so you can insert bitmaps with confidence; etc., etc.) but it's proven useful enough as it stands
Statistics: Posted by tom_seddon — Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:39 am