Hi, I am too am looking for a single file dump of acorn.huininga.nl - did you get anywhere with this? I did email the website owner (just now - https://www.huininga.nl/index.php?module=contact) to see if this is possible. Is the owner on this group? There are some great resources on here.Is there an all-in-one downloadable archive of acorn.huininga.nl anywhere? As per the thread subject, I'm mainly interested in just the ROMs.
I'd ordinarily use wget --no-parent to grab only that part of the site out of hours, which is what I did with bbc.nvg.org, but --no-parent doesn't appear to work in this case and wget tries to download absolutely everything. (Perhaps I'm just being old-fashioned though, and it'd actually be no problem just to set wget grabbing the whole thing. My laptop doesn't use all that much power. I can leave it running for as long as it takes...)
Statistics: Posted by SuperBadger99 — Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:35 pm