I've just added a small but interesting feature to the Complete BBC Micro Games Archive at bbcmicro.co.uk.
If you hover your mouse over the Play or Download buttons on the homepage or in search results, then you can see the total number of online plays and downloads for each game. We decided this was a good way of adding these stats, but without complicating the design, and without putting too much emphasis on the numbers.
Also, sorting searches by "Popular" now orders the results by the total sum of downloads and online plays. Previously it was just the download figure, which meant games that were popular online but not by download were losing out, but now it's a fairer measure of all play-related activity.
There is one thing to note. The counts aren't fully accurate: until today, if you played a game via the homepage Play button, as opposed to the Play button on an individual game's page, then that would be counted as a download rather than a play. Oops! This is now fixed, but it does mean the current stats are incorrectly skewed towards the download count. This bug doesn't affect the ordering of search results, as the sum of downloads and plays is still correct, but it's worth knowing when looking at the actual figures.
I hope you like it!
If you hover your mouse over the Play or Download buttons on the homepage or in search results, then you can see the total number of online plays and downloads for each game. We decided this was a good way of adding these stats, but without complicating the design, and without putting too much emphasis on the numbers.
Also, sorting searches by "Popular" now orders the results by the total sum of downloads and online plays. Previously it was just the download figure, which meant games that were popular online but not by download were losing out, but now it's a fairer measure of all play-related activity.
There is one thing to note. The counts aren't fully accurate: until today, if you played a game via the homepage Play button, as opposed to the Play button on an individual game's page, then that would be counted as a download rather than a play. Oops! This is now fixed, but it does mean the current stats are incorrectly skewed towards the download count. This bug doesn't affect the ordering of search results, as the sum of downloads and plays is still correct, but it's worth knowing when looking at the actual figures.
I hope you like it!
Statistics: Posted by MarkMoxon — Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:17 pm