Hi, its nearly 40 years since Last used a BBC.
I had an eprom burner and lots of proprietary eprom for graphics, word processing etc in my old machine, but sadly I got rid of them many years ago
In all that time I have completely forgotten everything I knew and am now on a steep learning curve again.
I have acquired a Wordwise eprom but I am at a loss as to which socket it should go in. Are they ranked or can I fit it in any of the relevant sized bank of sockets?
Also, is the positioning important. i.e. should I be able to read the title of the eprom in the same orientation as the keyboard?
Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
I had an eprom burner and lots of proprietary eprom for graphics, word processing etc in my old machine, but sadly I got rid of them many years ago
In all that time I have completely forgotten everything I knew and am now on a steep learning curve again.
I have acquired a Wordwise eprom but I am at a loss as to which socket it should go in. Are they ranked or can I fit it in any of the relevant sized bank of sockets?
Also, is the positioning important. i.e. should I be able to read the title of the eprom in the same orientation as the keyboard?
Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Statistics: Posted by mikeuk24 — Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:33 pm