As I stated in a previous post, it was S20-North, S21-West(top)/West(bottom), S22-North. That's how I got it. In another post, someone told me it should be S20-North, S21-East/West, S22-North. So, I moved the top jumper for S21 to East. When that happen and booted it up, I gotoke video and picture hard to read/ watch
if you go back to where the beeb did go two sounds , something with s21 you change
that long continuous beep. So, after that, I switched it back to West/West for S21. It went back to the two beeps.
See previous reply.change it back , do you have then two sounds again ??
on the video i see only pin 21 the clk is good ! the rest i can't follow well
When I tested the voltage for pin 20, it came up to be 4.864.measure pin 20 , is it 5 volt ?
pin 1 is it gnd ?
all pin 2 and 3
pin 1
Not much activity, so that must mean it's grounded, I guess?
pin 2
There wasn't much activity for pin 2 as well.
pin 3
There were some activity from pin 3
This is coming from the same video I posted on vimeo and youtube:
Pin 21:
Pin 22:
Pin 23:
Pin 24:
Pin 25:
Pin 26:
Pin 27:
Pin 28:
Pin 29:
Pin 30:
Pin 31
Pin 32
Pin 33
Statistics: Posted by shadow-breeze — Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:49 am