Yes, it is &E00. I thought that was odd as my original BBC Model B by default had PAGE set to &1900. That explains why it's &E00.The SWRAM version uses the 2.5KB at the end of the 16KB Sideways RAM slot as filesystem workspace. You can verify this is the case, if PRINT ~PAGE returns E00 rather than 1900.
1.50What version of MMFS is being used? *HELP should tell you this. I suspect it wll be rather old (1.39? which is 6 years old now).
Well I have DIMmed all the chunks of memory I use, and other than page zero user mem (&70-&8F) I don't deliberately write anything anywhere else, but then I have seen some odd random behaviour recently when I try and blow up an alien, so there's definitely something amiss. I did find a bug where I'd messed up my position in the stack which solved a big issue so I thought at first that might have been the problem, but it doesn't seem so.The other possible issue here is because MMFS is in SWRAM, it's more prone to getting corrupted if the application mis-behaves and randomly writes to memory.
Statistics: Posted by emiliom — Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:07 pm