It was a pleasure to log in and explore! Here are some screenshots from tonight's session using Commstar:Was so interesting to see the screenshots of how the Mode7 simulator delivered a Mode7 style display. It renders that bit differently but still has it's own feel. Thanks for educating me and your efforts to document it.
The lack of colour isn't a deal-breaker, but it does require a bit more attention from the user about the navigational clues on each screen. I would think that in the early days of Prestel, designing for monochrome screens might have been paramount, catering to low-cost terminals as well as more exotic products like the STC Executel.
Oddly, Commstar seems to use mode 4 as opposed to mode 6, leaving plenty of blank lines available. Obviously, the native font in a 40-column mode is more readable than the narrow font used by Jafa's ROM, but mode 6 line spacing would have helped, even if the graphics might be disrupted somewhat.
I think that using mode 1 would have at least given the benefit of some colour, although applying the colours sensibly might be a challenge. Having eight simulated colours is possible in a four-colour mode but involves other compromises. Maybe the Prestel designers considered semantic display properties, similar to other presentation and publishing technologies.
The colours in pictures are not usually adorned with any particular meaning, being what they are to the artist and the viewer. Commstar evidently doesn't try to introduce dithering in place of colours, which might be problematic either way. However, some pictures work well regardless...
I think the leaving screen holds up in monochrome due to the silhouette, giving it even more of a night-time mood! Here's the colour version:
Brian and I had the occasion to chat about many matters, including all the great work being done with Electron hardware these days. One topic pertained to mode 7 emulation and how Commstar manages on the Electron. I was reminded about the following Electron User articles, one that covered a more general emulator, and the piece about Commstar when it was introduced as part of the Tellstar package:
"Go Mode 7 the software way", Electron User, January 1987.
"Electron shall speak unto Electron...", Electron User, February 1986. (See also the Morley Electron Teletext Adapter advert on the facing page.)
There must be someone out there with a serial-equipped Electron, or maybe one of the satisfied Elk WiFi users, for whom the BBS must be well within reach of their capabilities. A visit report from a "real hardware" user would be a worthwhile read.
Thanks once again to Brian for the hospitality!
Statistics: Posted by paulb — Fri May 17, 2024 11:36 pm