I had a WE copro years ago that sort of went missing, so I decided to make a pimped up version, with A0-A6 lines, The IRQ is required direction that is only required it Parrsite to Host I think it not bidirectional, with 3.3K resistor as a pull up to 5V to make sure, on the Parrasite side of the buffers.
It work with any old board and new ones etc.
I had a WE copro years ago that sort of went missing, so I decided to make a pimped up version, with A0-A6 lines, The IRQ is required direction that is only required it Parrsite to Host I think it not bidirectional, with 3.3K resistor as a pull up to 5V to make sure, on the Parrasite side of the buffers.
It work with any old board and new ones etc.
Statistics: Posted by HJimbo — Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:00 am