Meh. It's failed again. I've not done too much investigation yet, but there's certainly no +5v on PL3 (Econet connector) pin 1. With the power switch in either position. It does jump up to 9mV when I switch it on.
Regarding the lid LEDs, one LED lights up. I think this is Ledacon. The other LEDs don't light up. I'm not entirely sure how the Battery Manager IC works, but based on what I've seen previously, I would have expected Ledcharge & Ledbattlo to come on, even with the power switch in the off position, but that's not happening. That would seem to rule out the DC DC converter as a source of problem, because we're not getting as far as switching that on.
I suspect I'm going to have to get a bit more intrusive, but I guess the lack of +5v means it's not worth checking for clock and reset signals at this stage.
Regarding the lid LEDs, one LED lights up. I think this is Ledacon. The other LEDs don't light up. I'm not entirely sure how the Battery Manager IC works, but based on what I've seen previously, I would have expected Ledcharge & Ledbattlo to come on, even with the power switch in the off position, but that's not happening. That would seem to rule out the DC DC converter as a source of problem, because we're not getting as far as switching that on.
I suspect I'm going to have to get a bit more intrusive, but I guess the lack of +5v means it's not worth checking for clock and reset signals at this stage.
Statistics: Posted by KenLowe — Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:01 pm