I'm always making more work for you Mark. Sadly it's more than just plotting each line twice - really you need to render the scene from two different cameras, one for each eye, shifted left & right. You'd also need to use the Master version as you need 3 colours when plotting pixels - red, cyan and white (for when the left & right images overlap). Finally, ideally it's best to introduce a skew to offset the left & right images so there is a focal point, otherwise everything is always 'in front of the screen' which can be straining on the eyes. The skew factor moves the focal point to the screen surface so objects can go both 'into' and pop 'out of' the screen.Ha! That would be mad. I was playing with the Master co-pro version earlier today and it runs ridiculously fast, quite noticeably faster than the BBC Micro co-pro version. So there’s a candidate platform.
If it’s a case of plotting two lines for every one, that’s probably OK, but I guess it depends on how much maths is needed to calculate the coordinates of the red and cyan lines.
It sounds worth investigating, anyway, as a proper 3D Elite on a Beeb would be an epic adventure. Let me know more about it, if you’re up for it!
If you're still interested, I can send you some more materials and info on how I approached it...
Statistics: Posted by kieranhj — Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:14 pm