Apart from visiting the Post Office to drop off various Beeb bits I'm selling, it has been a quiet season (ahem, day) so I put it good use, torturing a squirrelly Beeb with hot air and freezer spray I had an afternoon of playing Bug Blaster out of frustration. Yeah, this one is definitely buggy, there's some kind of weird lag between pressing SHIFT and the gun firing and it seems quite random, the movement keys are very touchy, probably linked to the random firing lag. Then there's the random speed-ups like it isn't controlled via interrupts... I managed to work out a strategy that let me get a decent score. Oh, if you've got Econet, disable it before playing this game as it crashed with "Bad program" when I went to enter my first score...
Statistics: Posted by maniacminer — Tue Mar 19, 2024 5:42 pm