Bought my BBC Micro A in the early eighties and promptly upgraded to a Model B. Thoroughly enjoyed the journey from basic programming to rudimentary assembly language. Wrote a number of short games/utilities which were stored on tape. I used a Sony tape deck for this purpose and eventually wore out the record/playback head !
Eventually the computer had a very bad day, made some noises and an awful smell. I switched it off immediately, boxed it up and put it in the garage where it has been gathering dust until a few weeks ago.
Recently I introduced our grandson to some classic BBC Micro games by the "Complete BBC Micro Games Archive website" route which went down very well. At the same time I found this website and some other resources. One Youtube video I came across described repairing a BBC Micro power supply. The symptoms leading up to the failure described in the video were just the same as the one's I experienced years ago. Out came the trusty soldering iron and much to my amazement was now able to repair the power supply by replacing 2 capacitors and get the computer working again. This gave me chance to load in some old tape files which was fascinating. Sadly this was short lived and although the PSU seems to be working there is something wrong with the computer and the normal startup screen (RGB to scart) does not now appear although the speaker is droning and the TV is responding.
Great to see this forum is so active and look forward to joining in.
Good to be on board,
Eventually the computer had a very bad day, made some noises and an awful smell. I switched it off immediately, boxed it up and put it in the garage where it has been gathering dust until a few weeks ago.
Recently I introduced our grandson to some classic BBC Micro games by the "Complete BBC Micro Games Archive website" route which went down very well. At the same time I found this website and some other resources. One Youtube video I came across described repairing a BBC Micro power supply. The symptoms leading up to the failure described in the video were just the same as the one's I experienced years ago. Out came the trusty soldering iron and much to my amazement was now able to repair the power supply by replacing 2 capacitors and get the computer working again. This gave me chance to load in some old tape files which was fascinating. Sadly this was short lived and although the PSU seems to be working there is something wrong with the computer and the normal startup screen (RGB to scart) does not now appear although the speaker is droning and the TV is responding.
Great to see this forum is so active and look forward to joining in.
Good to be on board,
Statistics: Posted by bk100 — Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:54 pm