I have recently acquired a Pi 400 and have set up a RetroPie image on it. It curious that the emulation of the BBC Micro seems to be missing from most of these multi-emulator suites, including Emulationstation which is used by RetroPie, whereas the usual options like C64, Spectrum, Nintendo etc are usually there. I wondered whether I could get a BBC Micro emulator running and came across a couple of B-em threads, including this one. I am considering purchasing the Pimoroni Pico VGA Demo Base and trying B-em on the Pico. However, in the meantime, ideally, I would like to get it running on the Pi 400 in RetroPie alongside the other emulators. I currently have PET and C64 emulation running and hope to add Amiga at some point.
The B-em source code program compiled just fine following the steps outlined here:
https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/emulat ... ry-pi-400/
However, it does not run. The produced error complains about a missing X display. I have had to take a photo and type out the text by hand:
So my question is whether it is possible to get B-em running under RetroPie on the Pi 400, or will to have to run under a separate full installation of PiOS? If it is possible to run it under RetroPie, then what are the steps? Are they documented anywhere?
The B-em source code program compiled just fine following the steps outlined here:
https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/emulat ... ry-pi-400/
However, it does not run. The produced error complains about a missing X display. I have had to take a photo and type out the text by hand:
I did notice a brief comment earlier in this thread that the B-em requires X, which, it would seem the RetroPie does not include. I therefore tried exporting the display to my Linux machine via SSH (ssh -Y) which does run X11, but this failed to run as well:Starting GUI thread
main: starting B-em v2.27-pi_x_drm
model: invalid rom setup type 'swram' in model 'BBC B w/1770 FDC, using 'swram' instead
ERROR(/home.johnc/src/b-em/src/pico/x_gui/x_gui.cpp:641): TODO: x_gui_setup_video()
Couldn't open X display
Xeyes runs OK, so I know that the display is being forwarded correctly, but perhaps this is doing something the program was not expected to do.Starting GUI thread
main: starting B-em v-2.2?-pi_x_drm
model: invalid rom setup type 'swram' in model 'BBC B w/1770 FDC', using 'swram' instead
TODO: x_gui_setup_video()
ALSA initialized OK freq = 44100
Buf 2205 Period 552 ddnoise: unable to load stepo
model: starting emulation as model #0, BBC B w/1770 FDC
Using Pico ARM-ified ASM CPU on Pi
Loaded drive 0 with , format Acorn DFS, single-sided, 80 tracks, single-density, 10 256 byte sectors/track
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
Texture type = drm_prime
X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 154 ()
Minor opcode of failed request: 1
Serial number of failed request: 13
Current serial number in output stream: 13
So my question is whether it is possible to get B-em running under RetroPie on the Pi 400, or will to have to run under a separate full installation of PiOS? If it is possible to run it under RetroPie, then what are the steps? Are they documented anywhere?
Statistics: Posted by BitSeeker — Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:40 am