So, I decided to do the same, after having bought a spare cover, 'just in case'. TBH, I didn't find it tough to cut with a small hack saw & file, and I've probably cut into it a bit too deep, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with it. As I've mentioned to others in PM, the mini DIN socket I'm using appears to be marginally on the tall side, so when you come to push the cover into position the top of the mini DIN5 socket makes contact with part of the main case, before the cover is pushed all the way down. It's hardly noticeable, but if you look closely you can see that the cover doesn't sit quite flush with the rest of the case - particularly towards the edge.Well, I did what I said I wouldn't. I cut a cover. I realised I had a spare. It's tough stuff!
Ok, so, with care, this may be a justifiable case hack I guess. Particularly as the upper cut edge faces down so you can't see it at all anyway.
This is now using one of the pre-moulded mini DIN5 cables that I was able to source fro AliExpress (details further upthread). I've soldered a standard DIN5 socket on the other side, which was fairly easy to do. Cable looks quite nice, and it's all working well.
Statistics: Posted by KenLowe — Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:00 am