There was a 13A fuse in the plug (it's a 2kW model) I cut the wire off, cleaned the blast area, replaced the capacitor and crimped the connections - all good and it's working again. The cable is around 15cm shorter than it was. I had to put a new fuse in because I broke open the ceramic to see what state the fuse wire was in - there was sand inside, wow, back in the days when a Chinese fuse was ok, the wire still solid and securely fastened to each cap end. The arc wasn't strong enough to trip the over current breaker and there was no short to ground to trip the residual current breaker. I think this is one good reason for arc trip breakers to be installed, it only takes a pinched/frayed cable and the cable lying on something flammable and you've got a big fire on your hands
Statistics: Posted by maniacminer — Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:31 am