I have one. It’s been a while since I played with it, but I cross compiled for the RP2040 on my Raspberry Pi and could debug and step using gdb by hooking it up to the Pi’s GPIO pins.
I spent some time writing a state machine for the RP2040’s programmable I/O (PIO) so it could drive the 65C02’s clock in hardware at 2MHz, independent of the ARM cores. Read and write requests are communicated to one core via FIFO’s. I had the same idea as you, but for emulating an Electron.
Got one of the cores to output a useful HDMI image, needed a bit of overclocking but they are more than capable of that.
Also got it to play the Monkey Island 1 title music
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I spent some time writing a state machine for the RP2040’s programmable I/O (PIO) so it could drive the 65C02’s clock in hardware at 2MHz, independent of the ARM cores. Read and write requests are communicated to one core via FIFO’s. I had the same idea as you, but for emulating an Electron.
Got one of the cores to output a useful HDMI image, needed a bit of overclocking but they are more than capable of that.
Also got it to play the Monkey Island 1 title music
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Statistics: Posted by haerfest — Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:35 pm