I don't think you have any RAM on the ROM board for the battery to power, it's redundant. The item labelled 32K RAM is more likely the support ROM for a Watford 32K RAM Extension board, did this Beeb have another Watford board in there, on the end of a ribbon cable fixed inside the lid?Is a battery replacement available for the WE ROM board?
Can I use the 32k RAM (WE?) chip straight onto the mbrd?
The WE ROM board would usually have 2 x 8K RAM chips in sockets ROM14H and ROM14L, and it's these that are powered by the battery.
Your Beeb looks like it was used mainly for word processing, so having a Watford 32K Extension board would've been very useful.
Looking at the other ROMs in there I don't think we've seen Word-Ex before, do you have any documentation for it?
Statistics: Posted by Pernod — Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:35 pm