This BASIC program:will generate a test pattern EPROM image. Locations &0000 to &00FF will be programmed with values &00 to &FF respectively, and everything else left unprogrammed. (I've also made it easy to change the filename, and left plenty of room to add more tests.)
Knowing what this should look like and seeing how it reads back might provide some information about which addresses other than the desired one are being programmed.
10MODE7 20F$="R.TEST1" 30HIMEM=&3C00 40PRINT"Wiping image ....." 50FORI%=0TO&3FFC STEP4 60I%!&3C00=&FFFFFFFF 70IFI%MOD256=0PRINTRIGHT$("0"+STR$~(I%DIV256),2);" ";:IFPOS>36PRINT 80NEXT 90PRINT'"All Ones!" 100PRINT"Creating test pattern ....." 110PRINT"Bytes 00-FF at "RIGHT$("000"+STR$~O%,4) 120FORI%=0TO255 130?(O%+I%+&3C00)=I% 140NEXT 1000PRINT"Saving ROM image ....." 1010OSCLI"S."+F$+" 3C00 7C00 FFE7 8000"
Knowing what this should look like and seeing how it reads back might provide some information about which addresses other than the desired one are being programmed.
Statistics: Posted by julie_m — Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:38 pm