I’ve been a bit tied up with my day job and haven’t had much time to investigate further.
Thanks Alan, for verifying my tests on the pinout, that showed the Unipod conforms to the A3020 and the A4000 pinout posted earlier.
Also, thanks for all the posts on assembling the module, when (or if I get that far) they’ll certainly be helpful.
The Elesar Econet module (5.81) is different to IanB’s Econet module (5.76) download from here, which appears to be based on version 5.31. I’m assuming (there I go again) that the hardware/firmware in the Elesar is different to the acorn Econet NIC and I’m probably completely off track (my ARM assembler knowledge is very, very limited) but it doesn’t appear to do a search for a podule either.
I am currently trying to work out how IanB’s Econet module finds the podule by replicating the section of code in BASIC assembler and then work out a way to identify the Unipod as an Econet podule. If I’m successful I will then try to work out what needs to be changed to allow it to talk to the ADF10 / AEH52 using the address information posted earlier.
Should anyone step in with the ARM assembler knowledge and speed up this process, that would be great, we know that the Unipod has been used with an ADF10 / AED52 before (@littlebird), it’s a great pity, that the Econet module used then, was never published but I suspect it is only a few changes away from IanB’s module, as Simtec podules seem to follow all the Acorn protocols correctly.
Thanks Alan, for verifying my tests on the pinout, that showed the Unipod conforms to the A3020 and the A4000 pinout posted earlier.
Also, thanks for all the posts on assembling the module, when (or if I get that far) they’ll certainly be helpful.
The Elesar Econet module (5.81) is different to IanB’s Econet module (5.76) download from here, which appears to be based on version 5.31. I’m assuming (there I go again) that the hardware/firmware in the Elesar is different to the acorn Econet NIC and I’m probably completely off track (my ARM assembler knowledge is very, very limited) but it doesn’t appear to do a search for a podule either.
I am currently trying to work out how IanB’s Econet module finds the podule by replicating the section of code in BASIC assembler and then work out a way to identify the Unipod as an Econet podule. If I’m successful I will then try to work out what needs to be changed to allow it to talk to the ADF10 / AEH52 using the address information posted earlier.
Should anyone step in with the ARM assembler knowledge and speed up this process, that would be great, we know that the Unipod has been used with an ADF10 / AED52 before (@littlebird), it’s a great pity, that the Econet module used then, was never published but I suspect it is only a few changes away from IanB’s module, as Simtec podules seem to follow all the Acorn protocols correctly.
Statistics: Posted by Drobell — Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:05 pm