Dominic Beesley had a go with BeebLink at the more recent ABUG last weekend, with the revision 03 PLD and no 2nd processor connected. It mostly worked nicely with his 65816 turbo Beeb (180 KB/sec throughput to I/O processor memory ), but the system would occasionally get stuck after a reset, usually printing a bunch of repeated characters to the screen. It looked like this might be the MOS detecting a 2nd processor, and trying to print its startup banner, but we decided not to think too hard about this until Dominic had a chance to get some scope or logic analyser readings.
Maybe this would be related to the Tube misdetection issue that Hoglet mentioned here: ... 33#p415533 - since if it misdetects the Tube in a similar way, then reads status values implying the FIFO is full, it'll just print junk forever.
I haven't seen anything ilke this on a B or Master, but (which I forgot about at the weekend) I have occasionally seen something similar happen on the Electron when resetting with no 2nd processor connected. I'm not certain I've seen this with the revision 03 PLD though.
Maybe this would be related to the Tube misdetection issue that Hoglet mentioned here: ... 33#p415533 - since if it misdetects the Tube in a similar way, then reads status values implying the FIFO is full, it'll just print junk forever.
I haven't seen anything ilke this on a B or Master, but (which I forgot about at the weekend) I have occasionally seen something similar happen on the Electron when resetting with no 2nd processor connected. I'm not certain I've seen this with the revision 03 PLD though.
Statistics: Posted by tom_seddon — Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:06 pm