Very much a novice here, just potter now and again when it comes to programming.
Trying to write a bit of code to enumerate modules. Have got so far but then become stumped
Using OS_Module 19, I can retrieve list of modules and their status etc.
However I have become stumped with how to extract the module name from R3.
Any advice on how to take the given pointer in R3 and extract the module name, would be gratefully received. (I appreciate this is probably something really simple for most of you guys )
Trying to write a bit of code to enumerate modules. Have got so far but then become stumped
Using OS_Module 19, I can retrieve list of modules and their status etc.
However I have become stumped with how to extract the module name from R3.
Any advice on how to take the given pointer in R3 and extract the module name, would be gratefully received. (I appreciate this is probably something really simple for most of you guys )
Statistics: Posted by narrowboat-paul — Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:47 pm