I've no idea why the silkscreen shows the cathode of the diode as the anode. Oh well, I've got a rope of 5,000 1N4148's in an ammo box, so I'd better get snipping. It would have been useful for the board creator to not repeat the mistakes of the original.Yeah I am confident knowing the correct end. However I am unsure what direction to place the component on the board given all the examples seem to place the negative (cathode end) to the positive + marker on the pcb - see the differences in my pictures in the last post. How have you placed your D2?Okey its like this mostly i look at the legs. Longer is positief + short -
Thats for most parts.
En de diodes have a mark like a wite line or black line. so you cant mis .
R8 is wrong way around.
Black tip is +
Statistics: Posted by maniacminer — Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:23 am