So thanks to you all I have successfully managed to get the digital joystick working and it was used to great effect. We sat down with the Beeb and fired up elite with a young teen student who would normally roll eyes and say that’s just a typewriter and it’s old so … but thanks to being able to engage with the student via a quick demo of elite we lit a spark of excitement - especially when we discussed how the game was about 22k. Most of my students develop games in modern game engines such as Unity and we spoke at length about how the game. We are next up going to try and write some low level code and compile it using various processors on the beeb. That said I need to go find some books and figure out how !! We are also going to build an analogue joystick as another exercise. Lots of fun so thanks to all. I am sure I will have tons of questions
Statistics: Posted by Lensteruk — Fri Nov 29, 2024 12:37 pm