So, when using the Pi Bridge a real 80186 falls over with an (almost) identical illegal instruction exception as the Matchbox.Maybe it never worked properly?
PiTubeDirect hits the same illegal instruction but treats it as a NOP and ends up falling through into the next block of code which happens to be the Single Step interrupt handler. I'll should be able to correct this behaviour pretty easily, and instead throw an illegal instruction interrupt.
So that still leaves the question of why it's hitting a division overflow with the Pi Econet server?
I wonder if it's trying to calculate the number of bytes free on the D drive, and this number is too large for it to handle Pi Econet server? Hence the division overflows.
When I traced the division it was dividing 0x400000 by 0x10. I'm not sure why this would be needed to calculate the bytes free.
I'll set up an Econet file server on a second Master and see if I can dig a bit deeper into what this division code is doing....
Statistics: Posted by hoglet — Wed Nov 13, 2024 7:38 am