I doubt it has any connection with Solididsk, the previous owner was from IBM. The implementation of the mod is somewhat amateurish - soldering directly to pins and contacts within sockets rather than using proper edge connectors. The main purpose of the CPU interface board seems to be to provide external access via ribbon cables to all the CPU pins. I can't see any reason to keep that.Whoever did that clearly knew what they were doing, it’s an impressive bit of engineering and would only have been possible by someone with a lot of knowledge and access to circuit diagrams, IC specs, etc. Could this have been a development beeb for solidisk?
I think I'll remove it for now, documenting what I've done and keep the parts. Going with a modern RAM expansion and SSD storage seems like the best way forward.
Statistics: Posted by AlSpider — Tue Nov 05, 2024 7:27 am