1+ABS RND MOD n% is probably the fastest as, after the 1+, it doesn't stack anything, it's purely evaluating the result of a reault of a result of a result. The others all have binary operations which requires: evalute something, save it for later, evaluate another something, get the previous somethingn back and combine.It is interesting to see how different ways to do the same thing take different amounts of time. Though I am only doing the calculation once per run so timing of the random number choice isn't critical.
There's no difference with positive numbers (within the integer range), but you will see a difference with negative numbers. INT rounds down but casting rounds to zero. INT(-PI) gives -4 but A%=-PI gives -3.I think in some cases INT isn't required, because I store the result in a resident integer variable, which as far as I understand it, has the effect of automatically INTing the value being stored.
Statistics: Posted by jgharston — Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:02 am