I noticed this earlier this year when looking out of the corner of my eye at a Cub connected to a BBC B.
In mode 7, the cursor is narrower on the BBC than on the Master 128. On the Master, the cursor is the full character space wide; on the BBC B, if the mode 7 characters happened to be 8 pixels wide then it would be the equivalent of missing the two outer pixels:
Is there any reason for that?
In mode 7, the cursor is narrower on the BBC than on the Master 128. On the Master, the cursor is the full character space wide; on the BBC B, if the mode 7 characters happened to be 8 pixels wide then it would be the equivalent of missing the two outer pixels:
Is there any reason for that?
Statistics: Posted by BeebMaster — Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:56 pm