I've been playing the much better remix version, and managed to loop it, but I was going to put up the video with the original V1, though it corrupts the screen when I get to the heart level.
I've tried my original file I got, then the one with the instructions, and seen the YouTube video from HRGL which is the same.
If it always crashed and there is no good dump then that will do, but if there's a working one I'd like to show it, as there doesn't seem to be any evidence of the later screens for the BBC original version.
I've tried my original file I got, then the one with the instructions, and seen the YouTube video from HRGL which is the same.
If it always crashed and there is no good dump then that will do, but if there's a working one I'd like to show it, as there doesn't seem to be any evidence of the later screens for the BBC original version.
Statistics: Posted by necronom — Sun Sep 01, 2024 9:21 pm