I have checked the Allegro documentation and it seems there is way to do this from within B-Em itself. For the moment, though, as you are on Linux you may have success by running b-em from a .desktop file. Here's what I did:
Then I inserted the following into the newly created b-em.desktop file:I am using Gnome, so after that, typing b-em in the Gnome search box showed an owl icon and clicking on that started b-em. B-Em then had the owl icon.
sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/iconssudo install -m 0444 icon/b-em.* /usr/local/share/iconssudo vi /usr/local/share/applications/b-em.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Type=ApplicationName=B-EmComment=BBC Micro EmulatorPath=/usr/local/binExec=b-emIcon=b-emTerminal=false
Statistics: Posted by Coeus — Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:34 pm