Merchandise received, with thanks.Diminished is going to have a go at getting a dump from it as we noticed the uef on stairway doesn't actually work.
This is the cheaper type of cassette tape that lacks an actual sprung clip to press the tape against the play head. Instead it relies on a thicker foam pad to perform this function. These pads tend to degrade over time. Unfortunately, in this case the pad has perished completely, and turned into brittle gunk.
I have repaired tapes like this before by replacing the pad, although I have not found an ideal source of replacement foam. It is tricky to find something of the correct density. Still, this problem can be overcome.
The other issue is that I think the tape is mouldy; most likely it's been stored somewhere cold and damp. We know from arnoldemu's thread that it is feasible to clean tapes like this, although the effects on their longevity are unknown.
I'm still hopeful for a transcription.
Statistics: Posted by Diminished — Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:38 pm