So, the boards arrived back from PCBway and I've gone through the complex process of populating it
The (c) is more of a joke as - let's be honest - there's not an awful lot of IP buried in this! But, I never thought I'd create any PCB so I'm going to get my name on it!
I'll have to wait to test it as the 10-way ODC cable hasn't arrived and my current one is way too short.
There may be a second iteration as someone mentioned resistors and/or decoupling caps. I'm not sure what benefit either would add - I'm guessing Beeb protection?
The (c) is more of a joke as - let's be honest - there's not an awful lot of IP buried in this! But, I never thought I'd create any PCB so I'm going to get my name on it!
I'll have to wait to test it as the 10-way ODC cable hasn't arrived and my current one is way too short.
There may be a second iteration as someone mentioned resistors and/or decoupling caps. I'm not sure what benefit either would add - I'm guessing Beeb protection?
Statistics: Posted by dhoggan — Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:13 pm