I don't know if side-by-side comparison will work with online PlayUEF as it stands -- it suffers from a bug which doubles the length of all leader tone sections, which AFAIK has not been fixed. Don't blame me -- I reported the problem nearly a year ago. Sazhen86 did suggest a patch for the problem here if you want to muck about with source code, although I have not tested this.great. I'll use it. thank you. :)I am sure there are other ways but I have always used PlayUEF to convert UEF to WAV http://playuef.8bitkick.cc/?&turbo=1&ba ... LOCAL=true
The only other tool I know of is FreeUEF. This is quite old and I had murder getting it to build on MacOS several years ago, so I have no idea if it's usable these days. There is some source code here.
One unpleasant way to do it would be to use my "TOH" patched version of B-Em, which now produces quite accurate tape noise, but there is currently no way to save this to a WAV; you'd have to play through the tape and route its audio output to recording software at native Beeb speed. Slow. Not ideal.
Finally there's my csw2wav.php tool, but this is for CSW, not UEF, so probably not helpful if I've understood your use case correctly.
Statistics: Posted by Diminished — Thu Jul 11, 2024 9:11 am