I've recently seen a photo of a homemade PCB which plugs onto the internal 1Mhz bus/modem/scsi header on the Master, and had a dual CF card adapter plugged into it offering four HDD drives . This is obviously using the IDE standards.
Does anyone have any details, schematics, ROM versions etc for this.
I'm only interested as I've recently also remade a 1mhz bus version too based off JGHs original design.
On a similar vein, has anyone made an adapter to allow the pi1mhz bus to sit on the same connector?
Does anyone have any details, schematics, ROM versions etc for this.
I'm only interested as I've recently also remade a 1mhz bus version too based off JGHs original design.
On a similar vein, has anyone made an adapter to allow the pi1mhz bus to sit on the same connector?
Statistics: Posted by Ukwebb — Wed Jul 03, 2024 8:33 am